Life Transitions Therapy

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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the concept of doubt. A common definition of the word is: “a general feeling of uncertainty, worry, or concern”. There are many times in our life when doubt can prevent us from taking action and leave us feeling stuck with no direction forward.

This is especially true when the changes we are contemplating making may have a huge impact on ourselves, our family and the future direction of our lives. Changing out a light bulb is obviously easier than trying to decide on beginning a new career track or starting a family.

So how do we avoid becoming paralized by worry and uncertainty?

While lying in bed this morning I was thinking about this and thought maybe it would be helpful to have some sort of reminder to help us when we are feeling uncertain and I came up with the following acronym.

D= don’t let your thoughts prevent you from taking action.

O= obtain additional information or resources to better prepare yourself.

U= utilize the assistance of others more experienced when available.

B= believe in your ability to persevere despite the challenges.

T= trust in your resilience and don’t give up.

Not perfect but I think it covers most of the basics that may help you to move past doubt and uncertainty and begin moving in the direction of your desired goals.

Thanks for listening and feel free to share with others.